Artistic Director
FRIDAY August 10th, 2018 – Opening concert
Solhälla at 7 pm
”A Romantic evening”
An enchanting evening with four great soloists singing solos, duets and quartets, some of them with Spanish influence by Robert Schumann, Johannes Brahms, Emil Sjögren and Wilhelm Stenhammar. The soloists include the Swedish Court Singer Hillevi Martinpelto, who is one of her generation’s foremost Mozart-sopranos, mezzo-soprano Monica Groop with a long international career, tenor Jussi Myllys, who is engaged at the Opera House in Düsseldorf, and German baritone and opera singer Andreas Schmidt, who is particularly known for his interpretations of German Lied. At the piano you will find the brilliant Swedish pianist Matti Hirvonen, who in fact has Finnish roots.
Artists: Hillevi Martinpelto (soprano), Monica Groop (mezzo-soprano), Jussi Myllys (tenor), Andreas Schmidt (barytone), Matti Hirvonen (piano)
Tickets: 30€
SATURDAY August 11, 2018
Skärgårdshemmet at 11 am
“The Hunt for the Four Seasons” – An interactive children´s concert in Swedish
The great composer Vivaldi faces a massive problem – he cannot manage to compose a masterpiece! The children in the audience are asked for help. These tiny secret music agents will help the composer to find the necessary inspiration. In this way the famous masterpiece Four Seasons is born. “The hunt for the Four Seasons” is the recorder quartet Bravade’s pacey concept, where the children will assist creating the story. The dialogue with the children is based on sensations as tasting, listening and feeling. To experience all this you need a good portion of imagination! The remarkable masters Mozart, Bach and Sibelius are also present on stage. They are trying to cheer up their colleague meanwhile presenting their own merits.
Manuscript and staging: Malin Olkkola
Musical arrangements: Hanna Kangasniemi
Duration: aprox. 30 min.
Language: Swedish
The performance is suitable for preschool and grade school kids
Artists: Recorder quartet Bravade - Sunniva Fagerlund, Pauliina Fred, Hanna Haapamäki and Hanna Kangasniemi
Tickets: 10€ or 30€ for a family ticket (2 adults, 2 kids)
SATURDAY 11.8.2018
Tillmann’s fish restaurant at 1 pm
”Lunch concert by the sea”
The participants of this year’s masterclass (August 6-11) will show their talents, while the audience enjoys a delicious lunch in Tillman’s fish restaurant by the sea. The world famous guest artists baritone Andreas Schmidt and soprano Hillevi Martinpelto will guide the young students in the operatic repertoire, Nordic romances and German Lied. The masterclass will take place at the Porvoo Music Institute from Monday to Thursday at 10.30 am to 2 pm. The classes are open to the audience.
Artists: Participants of the masterclass. At the piano: Gustav Djupsjöbacka
Tickets: €30/lunch included
SATURDAY August 11th, 2018
St. Olaf’s Chapel at 7 pm
”Summer-evening Baroque”
This concert offers some relaxing and inspiring moments with music by the great Baroque masters Bach, Händel and Telemann in the lovely St. Olaf’s Chapel. The program includes soprano arias from Händel’s collection ”Neun Deutsche Arien”, two alto arias by Bach accompanied by celestial recorders and Bach’s solo cantata ”Der Friede sei mit dir”. The vocal and the instrumental parts blend and form a meditative tapestry that makes you forget the time and place.
Artists: Hillevi Martinpelto (soprano), Monica Groop (alto), Andreas Schmidt (bass), Elina Mustonen (cembalo), Mikael Helasvuo (baroque flute), Jussi Seppänen (cello), Bravade (recorders).
In between the two evening concerts (7 pm and 10 pm) you will have the opportunity to enjoy a light dinner in the nearby Hörbergsgården.
Tickets: Normal price 30€. If you buy tickets to both concerts (7 pm and 10 pm) the prize is only 40€.
SATURDAY 11.8.2018
St. Olaf’s Chapel at 10 pm
”In the arms of the night” – atmospheric sounds in the darkness of the night.
The audience will experience an evening full of musical tension from the Renaissance and Baroque periods seasoned with some contemporary masterpieces. During the concert contrasts work together and against each other; peace and conflict, meditative sounds and dissonances. Bravade creates a world of sounds, where the silence of the Nordic night is unexpectedly interrupted.
Music by Tallis, Bach, Purcell and Ishii. Renaissance music from England and France. The contemporary Finnish field will be represented by works of Sebastian Fagerlund and Olli Virtaperko. Not to forget the Finnish folk tunes.
Artists: Bravade Recorder Quartet - Sunniva Fagerlund, Pauliina Fred, Hanna Haapamäki, Hanna Kangasniemi
Tickets: 20€. (The concert has no interval and ends at 11pm). If you buy tickets to both evening concerts (7 pm and 10 pm) the prize is only 40€.
In between the two evening concerts (7 pm and 10 pm) you will have the opportunity to enjoy a light dinner in the nearby Hörbergsgården.
SUNDAY August 12, 2018
Solhälla at 2 pm
”Afternoon of a Faun” – meet the Young Artist of the Year Erica Back & Co
This afternoon concert gives you a chance to listen to the Young Artist of the Year, the rising star mezzo-soprano Erica Back. Together with pianist Kirill Kozlovski she will sing some of Claude Debussy’s and Gabriel Fauré’s most famous songs. Mikael Helasvuo sets the atmosphere with his flute in Debussy’s “Syrinx”. This year is the 100th anniversary of Claude Debussy’s death, and it is worth mentioning that Fauré had a strong impact on the music style of Debussy. In the concert we will also hear some of Fauré’s most beautiful melodies like “Aprés un rêve“ and “Berceuse” as well as his piano trio performed by a chamber ensemble.
Artists: Erica Back (mezzo-soprano), Kirill Kozlovski (piano), Mikael Helasvuo (flute), Laura Vikman (violin), Jussi Seppänen (cello).
Tickets: 30€
SUNDAY August 12, 2018
Porvoo Cathedral at 7 pm
Petite Messe Solennelle
Jubilate choir, cond. Eric-Olof Söderström
This year is the 150th anniversary of the death of the great master Gioacchino Rossini. In his ”Letter to the Good Lord” he writes the following about his ultimate work, which he composed after 34 years of silence:
”Dear Lord – my humble little Mass is finished, here it is. Have I written sacred music or desecrated music? I was born for the Opera Buffa, as Thou well knowest. A little knowledge, a little heart, that is all. Be therefore blessed and grant me Heaven. – G. Rossini. - Passy 1863.”
Rossini’s last work is a masterpiece in which he gives evidence of noble and full-blown stylistic maturity, of a sincere and meditative atmosphere, which seems to spring from feelings of resignation of the forthcoming meeting with the Lord. In the last movement ”Agnus dei” Rossini reveals his innermost feelings, and places himself in the hands of the Lord.
Performers: Jubilate choir, Eric-Olof Söderström (conductor), Hillevi Martinpelto (soprano), Monica Groop (alto), Tuomas Katajala (tenor), Andreas Schmidt (bass), Matti Hirvonen (piano), Reidar Tollander (harmonium).
The duration of the concert is 1 h and 30 min
Tickets: 30€